Stardust and magic

Are you enchanted by the deepest blue, starry skies at night?
Do you imagine to travel through space and time?
Do you like identifying the stars and you find yourself captured by the moonlight?
I believe we are made of stardust, as we are a part of the universe and a step of the creation.
Stars to sail the stormy seas safely.
Falling stars to make a wish.
I don’t read horoscopes, and I don’t want to know my future, but I love Greek mythology and I’ve always loved Astronomy. I wonder what is beyond the dark of the night, and when I think that the light of a star that I see in a moment was emitted maybe one year ago, or even more, I feel speechless.
We are so fragile.
We stand in our little, busy daily life in front of an apparently moveless universe. But it expands, it grows and new stars are born,whilst old stars fade away and suck up the matter.
Is there silence, in the space? Do stars have a scent?
I want to celebrate the triumph of Creation. I want to represent the eternal light that all creates. I want to give a tribute to our desire of searching, knowing, exploring, overcoming fears, overcoming darkness.
All these themes populate a series of small mixed media paintings (size A4) I am actually working on, that speak about constellations and show the strong symbolism related to them.
This will be a limited series of works, dedicated to the Zodiac constellations, and no prints will be made.
The release of the ‘Constellation’ serie will be in the month of December.
Be sure to check my personal page on Facebook and my website to know more about the release of the paintings and to see some work in progress pictures I will be posting along the journey through galaxies!